Membership of Gullane Golf Club is an opportunity to join a club with three top-quality courses, two of which are regularly listed in the most respected UK and international golf rankings. It is also a chance to become part of a club with a long and illustrious history and the facilities to match.
The benefits of becoming a member include course availability virtually 52 weeks of the year, the opportunity to play in club competitions (including monthly medals, stablefords, mixed foursomes etc) and access to the impressive Members' and Visitors' Clubhouses and all the facilities that entails.
With reserved member-only tee times, a growing junior section and social events throughout the year, membership of Gullane Golf Club is a great way of playing wonderful courses and becoming part of an esteemed golfing community.
Gullane Golf Club membership for Ordinary and Five Day memberships are now full. No further applications are being accepted for these membership categories until further notice.
Country memberships are available with the criterion that the applicant's place of residence must be no less than 150 miles from the Club.
Overseas memberships are also available with the criterion that the applicant has no permanent residence or place of business within the UK.
The Secretary of Gullane Golf Club is responsible for the membership of the Club.
The method of application is laid down in the rules of the Club as follows:
Rule 5 - Election of Members
(1) Candidates applying to become Country, Overseas and Junior Members shall be proposed and seconded respectively by two Ordinary Members, with a minimum of five years' membership each. A candidate and his proposer shall submit to the Secretary an application form as laid down by the Committee, together with the proposer's and seconder's letters of recommendation.
(2) The process of Election shall be set by the Committee and published in the Bye-laws of the Club.
In addition, the following applies:
No member may propose or second more than one applicant for the same category of membership within the same calendar year.
In addition to the proposer and seconder the application requires letters from a further two supporters who may be Ordinary, Five Day, Country, Overseas or Honorary Life Members of the Club with no restriction on the number of forms supported, time-scales between applications or minimum number of years of membership.
For Junior membership the same process applies for proposer and seconder, however, the two additional supporters are not required.
For further information on all areas of membership, please contact our Golf & Membership Administrator, Brian Paxton on brian.paxton@gullanegolfclub.com or telephone +44 (0) 1620 849 782